Imported records may be ignored or included from being saved to MiiNT tables. This section will demonstrate the different ways to ignore or include imported records when saving:
Use the Ignore / Include check box to mark individual rows to be ignored or included when the imported records are saved.
Use the Right Click > Ignore Row(s) on Save option to mark rows to be ignored when the imported records are saved.
Use the Right Click > Include Row(s) on Save option to mark rows to be included when the imported records are saved.
Note: This will be necessary with any rows marked as invalid during the import process, that have been amended.
The process below will show/demonstrate how to select individual rows to be ignored or included when the imported records are saved as General Locations using the General Locations Import template. The same process will be applicable for ignoring or including imported records before saving to other tables.
Deselect the Ignore / Include check box for the individual rows to be ignored.
Select the Ignore / Include check box for the individual rows to be included.
Select the Save button to save the imported records that have been selected to be included. A Save prompt will appear stating the number of rows containing errors.
Select the Cancel button to stop the saving of valid records or the OK button to save the valid records.
Note: After the valid records have been saved the import grid will only contain invalid records.
The process below will show/demonstrate how to select a range of records to be ignored or included when the imported records are saved as General Locations using the General Locations Import template. The same process will be applicable for ignoring records before saving to other tables.
Select the rows that need to be ignored or included using a combination of Click Shift/Ctrl Click to select a range of rows.
Note: Grouping, Filtering and Sorting may be used when locating these rows.
Right-Click and select either the Ignore Row(s) on Save option to deselect rows to be ignored or the Include Row(s) on Save option to select rows to be included when the Save button is selected.
Select the Save button to save the imported records selected to be included. A Save prompt will appear stating the number or rows containing errors.
Select the Cancel button to stop the saving of valid records or the OK button to save the valid records.
Note: After the valid records have been saved the import grid will only contain invalid records.